The transition to a circular economy is one of the important building blocks towards sustainability, since reuse, remanufacturing and recycling contribute to the long-term use of materials and other resources, and thereby limiting the excess extraction of virgin resources. This applies to both bio-based and non-bio-based resources.
The shift from linear to circular economy, and from the concept of value chains to value cycles, is a complex process for the society. The shift requires changes in almost all sectors of the society. Various aspects need to be addressed, such as policy development, health considerations, working life environments, individual and societal behaviour, social aspects, etcetera. Although many technical solutions and circular initiatives already exist, there are still large knowledge gaps, spanning all the way from basic research to initiatives close to market, such as innovation and other implementation in society.
Research funders in India and Sweden now open a joint call on Circular Economy. The call is a collaboration between:
- the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India
- the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India
- the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India
- Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
- Formas, the Swedish government research council for sustainable development
- Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency
- Forte, the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare
- the Swedish Research Council
- the Swedish Energy Agency.
The purpose of the call is to support research and innovation projects that are highly relevant for, and support a, transition towards a circular economy.
The call is open to organisations in Sweden and India wishing to collaborate. Participation from different types of actors is encouraged, such as registered companies (including LLP), universities, university hospitals, research institutes or other relevant actors. Project teams must consist of at least three partners, including at least one from each country.
Preliminary timeline (original plan)
- Preliminary opening of call 5th of May
- Closure of call 17th of August
- Formal decision and declaration of result 15th of November
- Earliest formal start of projects 1st of December and first payment December
New preliminary date for decision: 17th of January 2023
More information
The Swedish project coordinators submit their project applications to Formas in the online system Prisma: Startsida Prisma (
More information on the call is available on Formas’s webpage: